Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kraftwerk by Night

Being a child of the 80's I'll never forget that song, "Tour de France" by Kraftwerk.  The new wave, post modern industrialist song managed to encapsulate the utopian visions of a cyclist grinding his way up L'Alpe D'Huez... or down a busy Berlin street at 1:00 AM - whichever mood you were in.

There are times in my life when I just can't seem to get out for a run, don't have the desire to run at night, or am injured, but still need to get some cardio in.  This is where an old bike hooked up to a spinner with aero bars comes in.  I'll come down to my basement -- yes I have a basement in Southern California -- and zone out to some gratuitous action film and spin away.  It's become a great decompressor for me as well as a way to keep my legs strong if my ankles or feet aren't feeling especially fresh.

The benefits of changing up routines, routes, training times, etc. are well documented on the Internet, but for me the best part is keeping my mind and spirit engaged and challenged.  In addition, I took advantage of the stability and core routines I learned earlier today.

How many of you cycle, spin or cross-train on a regular basis?  Let me know in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Kraftwerk.....such a classic that I listen to on the trainer as well (when I'm on the trainer, which is admittedly never) Ozzy and Quiet Riot are also good ones, even though our friend Paul may not approve.

    Congrats for getting the blog off the ground, and enjoy the journey!!!
