Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Next Great Adventure

Happy Easter!  What better way to celebrate than to resurrect a commitment to running.  Inspired by a whimsical Ragnar Relay in which I ended up running 34 miles over the course of the relay, I've felt a sense of renewal and interest in running more seriously.   Over the last year I've been thinking about pushing myself beyond a marathon and to test my limits.  My original goal was to run a local 25 mile loop here in Pasadena twice - and maybe I still will - but in doing some research, I came across the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 miler in San Francisco in December.

To kick off the training, I ran with my best friend, Richard Khoe, who is my long distance partner for many years and gets me out there every time he comes to visit from DC.  We had a great day rambling through Pasadena.

This blog will chronicle my training, my challenges, and hopefully, my triumphs as I attempt to enter the world of ultramarathoning.

Join me in this next great adventure!

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